Sunday the 8th- Happy mothers day! We got up pretty early and started our drive from Fowler back to CO, we were hoping that we might get back early enough to visit with Mama Jo for a while on Mothers day :) we got there a little after 2. the family got back from church around 4 ish and we had a great time visiting and Mikel and Kirk were nice enough to grill burgers for everyone for dinner, it was a pretty good day :)
Monday the 9th- we started out monday with the whole rental car fiasco, there was no way we were going to let them charge us over double what they had quoted us. so we went to Avis and returned our car with all sorts of complaing and ranting and raving (in a nice way) and the lady took the car back and to be nice put in that we had returned it on Sunday. so we got some of our money back anyway, but instead ended up getting charged our quoted price $450 for the 3 days we had the car rather than the 7 we wanted it for. Then we walked over to Enterprise and told them why we were there, and got an upgraded Luxury car for about $160 for the full 4 days. yay! Then we went out to Elizabeth to visit my parents my mom took the day off so she could spend time with us, so all 4 of us , mom, dad, me , steeve, went fishing out at Chatfield, my dad only caught one little scrawny trout, but it was fun to just hang out and enjoy the mountains and the sunburns and the geese and the lake and the whole experience:) it was a good day!
Tuesday 10th- we spend the first half of tuesday visiting stevens mom for a little and then stevens dad down in littleton, it was nice to just sit and chat. then the big baby shower on tuesday evening at 4! it was a blast, most of the ppl that were invited went and Terri and Ashley were awesome for throwing it for me, it was great to see everyone and actually get a chance to have a baby shower with my friends and family out in CO. After that we had pizza dinner with my family and Michael and Sabrina came over too to visit. I was really happy to see my brother, he wasn't able to go to the wedding and I wasn't sure if id get to see him since he works so much during the week.
Wednesday- whew a day of relaxing... well kinda.. we didn't have a whole lot planned for Wednesday but ended up filling it up anyway, we woke up and it was Snowing out! WOO! i love Colorado especially because of its crazy weather and snow! :) it pretty much made my whole trip, Steven and I went Maternity clothes shopping because they have absolutely nothing out here in NC. so i finally got a couple pairs of jeans and a couple shirts that should last me the next 3 months. We also visited with April and got to sit down and talk with her. It was nice to have a conversation with just the 3 of us and her babies without all the commotion of trying to visit with the whole family at once. Then we visited with Stevens dad and went to dinner with him and all of Steeves brothers and sisters at White Fence Farm, it was a nice dinner and evening, after we ate we walked around and enjoyed the whole atmosphere of the place including the slide and the animals and Mikel was playing pin ball. Steven and I left early because we still had packing to do and I was dead tired and a little (ok alot) grumpy, THANK YOU MIKEL! for letting us take your car home early :)
Thursday- 12th- we managed to get all of our clothes and baby shower gifts in just the two bags that we brought with us on the way out whew! we thought our flight left a little after 11 but after a second check on the itinerary we realized our flight didn't leave until a little after 1. oops, we had to have our car turned in by 8 or else wed be charged another day, so we got to hang out at DIA for a few hours lol. it wasn't bad, we went to the different concourses and found a place to get some ice cream and lunch and look around at the stupid shops. the flight wasn't bad either, well until we landed in Atlanta lol, for some reason they were messing with the cabin pressure during our landing, and it just about made everyone on the airplane sick, we were all a little green to the face by the time we walked off the plane, Which made Steven feel awful adding that to his already allergies. so during that layover he slept most of the time on the floor. thankfully none of our flights were delayed or had any problems. we got in to Jacksonville a little after 10, waited forever for our bags and got home at about 11:45. THANKS GREG for picking us up :) after all that I fell asleep almost instantly lol.
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