Matthew got his 2 month shots today OWWW!!!! can you believe he was 2 mo old this past Sat? He now weighs 11 lb 12 oz, and is 22 1/2 inches long. he got 3 shots and some kind of vaccine that they squirt in his mouth and make him swallow it. all those shots made him pretty sleepy, so now he is snooooooozing :( poor baby. at least I didn't cry, he did pretty well though only cried when the nurse stuck him, once I picked him up he was fine.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Sundays are special
9/25/11 - Of course Sunday's are always special but this past Sunday was really nice, Matthew was in such a happy good mood, so we got all dressed up and went to church, then when we got home I finished shampooing our carpet, it only took an hour or so :) , and then we watched the football game while snacking on some cookies, unfortunately our Broncos didn't win but its still fun. well Steven watched the game, I spent a good chunk of it talking on the phone with my Mom, while Matthew napped hehe, and then Sunday evening, I was folding that never ending laundry when Steven called me in to the living room to show me Matthews new trick! I'm so proud of my baby rolling over at just 9 weeks to the day. He is growing up so fast, we decided that since we are new parents and overly camera happy, we are going to document Matthews growing up by taking a picture every Sunday, and putting them in a file, (I'm not sure how long we will do this for) but its fun because he grows so fast! so
here is his 9 week photo, all dressed up for church.
And Here is a video of Matthew rolling over, you can just skip to about 1:25 at the end when he finally rolls over for the camera,
Craft Box part 3 cont...
Here is the finished product from my knitting pattern I posted a while, I think it turned out pretty well, I made it as a baby blanket for my friend Haley, she is due to have a beautiful baby girl pretty soon :)
What do you think? is this pattern a keeper or no?
What do you think? is this pattern a keeper or no?
Another Year older :)
Saturday, September 17, 2011
9/16/11 - First trip to the beach! Matthew took his first trip to the beach, it was cold and raining so he was wrapped up, making it a short trip.
here is the damage to the Atlantic beach Pier from hurricane Irene, it ripped the end of it off lol. I'm going to miss the beach if/when we move
here is the damage to the Atlantic beach Pier from hurricane Irene, it ripped the end of it off lol. I'm going to miss the beach if/when we move
Sept 10th- Finally get to go home! Last Sat we got packed our stuff and flew out at 6:45 AM, the only problem was figuring out how to get all of our newly acquired stuff home, We flew out with 1 checked bag and 1 carry on between the two of us, on the flight home we had 3 Checked bags one of which was over weight. two carry on's and a baby lol. the picture to the left is most of the baby clothes we had acquired as gifts and such out in CO, sadly thats not all of them, and isn't including blankets toys, or mine and stevens clothes, It was a challenge, but you can never have enough FREE baby clothes right? haha.
Baby's first Plane ride- Matthew did awesome on the plane he slept the entire 3hr flight in our arms :) on a side note, Steven and I slept the whole 3 hr flight too haha. the second flight he was awake for most of it but it was only a 45 min flight and he did awesome then too :)
Going home meant that Steven has been going back to work leaving me and Matt home alone all day without daddy, but let me tell you he is all sorts of happy when daddy comes home look at that smile!
Baby's first Plane ride- Matthew did awesome on the plane he slept the entire 3hr flight in our arms :) on a side note, Steven and I slept the whole 3 hr flight too haha. the second flight he was awake for most of it but it was only a 45 min flight and he did awesome then too :)
Going home meant that Steven has been going back to work leaving me and Matt home alone all day without daddy, but let me tell you he is all sorts of happy when daddy comes home look at that smile!
Party's all around :)
Aug 25th- Mama Jo's Bday! so we all Steven, Mikel, Caitlyn, and I took her out to dinner at Texas Road House and of course made her sit on the saddle to sing happy bday! :) hehe It was a good time.
Wednesdays- On Wed nights the boys Steven, Mikel, and Greg, go out to dinner with their Dad, so of course we get to tag along :) heres a good pic of Steven and Matthew at Red lobster.
Colorado State Fair-Labor day was the last day of the fair so we drove down to Pueblo to meet my cousin Teresa and Clayton at the fair and hang out, it was fun and we got to see the bunnies! the only downside is we forgot sunscreen, so i got pretty fried oops.
Wednesdays- On Wed nights the boys Steven, Mikel, and Greg, go out to dinner with their Dad, so of course we get to tag along :) heres a good pic of Steven and Matthew at Red lobster.
Colorado State Fair-Labor day was the last day of the fair so we drove down to Pueblo to meet my cousin Teresa and Clayton at the fair and hang out, it was fun and we got to see the bunnies! the only downside is we forgot sunscreen, so i got pretty fried oops.
Aug 15th, Mr and Mrs Amanda Olson (wilsey) invited us over for a game night, and surprised me with a birthday game night lol, with cake and balloons and even a present (a giant bag of jolly ranchers! wooo!) it was pretty fun, we played Yahtzee and cards. Game nights with these two are one thing i am excited to move back to CO for :) I miss my friends when we are out here. And they finally got to meet Matthew! I think Mrs Manda would make an awesome mommy wink wink ;)
Aug 21st- we went to my parents house for a birthday lunch/dinner, Mom made me my favorite Homemade Strawberry cake with homemade strawberry frosting :) Its my moms homemade desserts like cake and pie that makes me love baking so much :) mmmmm. And they got to play with Matt too, it was kinda funny because they kept fighting over who got to hold him so my dad put Matthew on the couch in between them so they could share, and right before i got out the camera my mom plucked him up lol.
Aug? and at some point during our stay when we moved in with Stevens Dad (we got tired of all the gas it took to drive to the mountains everyday) We found him a new dog. his old dog although sweet and cute, was just to high energy high maintenance and still to much of a puppy for him, so we took a trip to the dumb friends league and found Annie, a Terrier Shitzu mix, she is about 3 years old, and a real lap dog, she will play with toys and such when she or you want but would rather just sit in your lap and enjoy being petted, she is the perfect dog for "Grandpa Lewis" I think she is cute but everyone else says she's ugly lol, what do you think?
catching up
Aug 5th, Matthew finally lost his belly button cord so we were ale to give him his First Real Bath! he loved it :) I think that warm water is/was more like home at that point.
Aug 7th - Baby Blessing! Since we were still in Co we decided to have Matthews baby blessing on the same day as Melody's (Aprils baby). It was really nice because Becky and her family came down to be there for it along with Stevens Grandpa Marcum,which would be Matthews Great Grandpa. We asked him to give the blessing (for all of you who aren't Mormon it is different from Baptism).
Here is a picture of Matthew in his outfit, it is the same outfit that Steven wore for his blessing :) aside from the shoes, isn't he handsome? It was a really special day.
and a picture of Grandpa Marcum holding Matthew :) at the park where we all had a little lunch get together with aprils family and dans and stevens family, with pizza and food and cake yum yum!
Aug 11th. Matthew had his 2 week Dr appointment :) they had to prick his foot to do a blood test, it was really sad, I think his 2 month apt where he gets his shots is going to be a little hard for me lol

Here is a picture of Matthew in his outfit, it is the same outfit that Steven wore for his blessing :) aside from the shoes, isn't he handsome? It was a really special day.
and a picture of Grandpa Marcum holding Matthew :) at the park where we all had a little lunch get together with aprils family and dans and stevens family, with pizza and food and cake yum yum!
Aug 11th. Matthew had his 2 week Dr appointment :) they had to prick his foot to do a blood test, it was really sad, I think his 2 month apt where he gets his shots is going to be a little hard for me lol

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