Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Matthew got his 2 month shots today OWWW!!!! can you believe he was 2 mo old this past Sat? He now weighs 11 lb 12 oz, and is 22 1/2 inches long. he got 3 shots and some kind of vaccine that they squirt in his mouth and make him swallow it. all those shots made him pretty sleepy, so now he is snooooooozing :( poor baby. at least I didn't cry, he did pretty well though only cried when the nurse stuck him, once I picked him up he was fine.


  1. Logan slept all afternoon too. They gave him the same stuff. He just woke up with a low grade fever tho =( I hate it when they don't feel good. They're getting so big tho!!

  2. ya, matthew was pretty grumpy when he woke up so I got some infants Tylenol, the doc told me it was ok to give him some. they are getting huge!
