Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The results are in!

well, most of you have all ready figured this out from facebook, but the votes are in and it looks like its a boy! some of you know the name we have and some don't, i'm not openly telling everyone yet because I don't want anyone to steal it :p haha. all the ultra sound pictures we got at the appointment are creepy alien faces so ill just post this

and yes Steven and I are both very excited :) and Happy. 
on another note we also picked Greg up from the airport yesterday after our appointment and he will be staying with us for the summer :) 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

big or small? 18-19 wks

So my mom called me the other day to ask me if I was in maternity clothes yet, when I told her no she seemed surprised and wanted to know why. well instead of taking the time to explain in detail that im just not very big. I figure ill post the latest baby bump picture that you have all been asking for. I took this picture today, my calender says im right in between 18 and 19 wks, for a due date of Aug 4th (if anyone forgot). I have seen a few of my friends and family's pics who are due around the same time as me, and some are way smaller than me and some are way bigger than me, what do you think? Steven thinks i'm going to have a big baby, but right now i feel like i just look like someone who hasn't figured out how to walk off all that Holiday candy around the mid section :P feel free to be honest, i won't take offence if you tell me i look like a blimp :)

3/8/11 - 18-19 wks, almost halfway!     (oh and i took this right after i ate breakfast if that makes a difference)